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发布时间:2021-02-22      来源:bevictor伟德官网       点击:





E-mail: ludanyi@gzucm.edu.cn




2021-01至今,     韦德官方网站,bevictor伟德官网,副研究员











1. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金,2021A1515011256,生物钟调控肝脏OATP转运体节律性表达及其对他汀类药物处置/药效的影响,2021-01至2023-12,10万元,在研,主持

2. 广东省中医药局科研项目,20212047,基于代谢和转运的雷公藤时辰毒性机制研究,2021-01至2022-12,立项不资助,在研,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,81803620,“UGT2B10酶-外排转运体”通路调节生物碱代谢与处置的作用机制研究,2019-01至2021-12,21万元,已结题,主持

4. 广东省自然科学基金-博士启动,2018A030310048,UGT酶对天然有毒生物碱的代谢及解毒作用研究,2018-05至2021-04,10万元,已结题,主持

5. 深圳市科技创新委员会-基础研究(自由探索),JCYJ20170818162642882,新型天然抗乳腺癌候选药物Coibamide A的体内药效学及药代动力学研究,2018-03至2020-03,50万元,已结题,主持

6. 中国博士后科学基金-特别资助,2018T110900,“UGT2B10酶-外排转运体”通路调控生物碱代谢与处置,2018-06至2019-08,15万元,已结题,主持

7. 中国博士后科学基金-面上资助,2017M622835,UGT酶介导的NG代谢在天然有毒生物碱解毒过程中的作用,2017-11至2019-08,5万元,已结题,主持




1.Danyi Lu, Zhigang Wang*, Baojian Wu*. Pharmacokinetics-based Chronotherapy. Current Drug Metabolism. 2022. DOI: 10.2174/1389200223666220106124218

2. Yi Wang#, Zhigang Wang#, Zhengping Wu, Menglin Chen, Dong Dong, Pei Yu, Danyi Lu*, Baojian Wu*. Involvement of REV-ERBα dysregulation and ferroptosis in aristolochic acid I-induced renal injury. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2021.193: 114807.

3. Meiqing Li#, Danyi Lu#, Yulian Cheng#, Chunlei Wu, Jianchao Zhang, Wenli Shi, Zhihao Ding, Yanyan Li, Binghua Cheng, Xian Lin, Ximing Shao, Hongchang Li, Lijing Fang*, Ke Liu*, Wu Su*. A novel pyrrole-imidazole polyamide targets Aurora kinase A and suppresses tumor growth in vivo. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2021.571:167-173.

4. Wenli Shi#, Danyi Lu#, Chunlei Wu, Meiqing Li, Zhihao Ding, Yanyan Li, Binghua Chen, Xian Lin, Wu Su, Ximing Shao, Zhihui Xia, Lijing Fang*, Ke Liu*, Hongchang Li*. Coibamide A kills cancer cells through inhibiting autophagy. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2021.547:52-58.

5. Huan Zhao, Yongbin Tong, Danyi Lu*, Baojian Wu*. Circadian clock regulates hepatotoxicity of Tripterygium wilfordii through modulation of metabolism. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2020.72(12):1854-1864.

6.Danyi Lu#, Mengjing Zhao#, Min Chen, Baojian Wu*. Circadian clock-controlled drug metabolism: Implications for chronotherapeutics. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 2020.48(5):395-406. (封面论文)

7.Danyi Lu#, Dong Dong#, Qian Xie, Zhijie Li, Baojian Wu*. Disposition of mianserin and cyclizine in UGT2B10-overexpressing human embryonic kidney 293 cells: identification of UGT2B10 as a novel N-glucosidation enzyme and breast cancer resistance protein as an N-glucoside transporter. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 2018.46(7):970-979.

8.Danyi Lu, Dong Dong*, Baojian Wu*. Highly selective N-glucuronidation of four piperazine-containing drugs by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B10. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology. 2018.14(9):989-998.

9.Danyi Lu, Shuai Wang, Qian Xie, Lianxia Guo, Baojian Wu*. Transcriptional regulation of human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase 2B10 by farnesoid X receptor in human hepatoma HepG2 cells. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2017.14(9):2899-2907.

10.Danyi Lu#, Qian Xie#, Baojian Wu*. N-glucuronidation catalyzed by UGT1A4 and UGT2B10 in human liver microsomes: Assay optimization and substrate identification. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2017.145:692-703.

11.Danyi Lu#, Hui Liu#, Wencai Ye, Ying Wang, Baojian Wu*. Structure- and isoform-specific glucuronidation of six curcumin analogs. Xenobiotica. 2017.47(4):304-313.

12. Dong Dong#, Tianpeng Zhang#, Danyi Lu#, Jie Liu, Baojian Wu*. In vitro characterization of belinostat glucuronidation: demonstration of both UGT1A1 and UGT2B7 as the main contributing isozymes. Xenobiotica. 2017.47(4):277-283.

13.Danyi Lu#, Zhiguo Ma#, Tianpeng Zhang, Xingwang Zhang, Baojian Wu*. Metabolism of the anthelmintic drug niclosamide by cytochrome P450 enzymes and UDP-glucuronosyltransferases: metabolite elucidation and main contributions from CYP1A2 and UGT1A1. Xenobiotica. 2016.46(1):1-13.

14.Danyi Lu#, Dong Dong#, Zhong Liu, Yifei Wang*, Baojian Wu*. Metabolism elucidation of BJ-B11 (a heat shock protein 90 inhibitor) by human liver microsomes: identification of main contributing enzymes. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology. 2015.11(7):1029-40.

15.Danyi Lu, Jiayu Zhang, Zhenya Yang, Hongming Liu, Sha Li, Baojian Wu*, Zhiguo Ma*. Quantitative analysis of Cistanches Herba using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detection and high-resolution mass spectrometry combined with chemometric methods. Journal of Separation Science, 2013, 36(12): 1945-1952.


1.《Circadian Pharmacokinetics》,Springer Nature,2020年10月,共同主编



1. 马志国,杨振亚,李承花,卢丹逸,一种沙苁蓉提取物及其制备方法和应用,2015.06.03,中国,ZL201310168868.8。

2. 李红昌,粟武,房丽晶,卢丹逸,张建超,刘科,一种Aurora A蛋白抑制剂及其制备方法和药物用途,2020.07.03,中国,ZL201910339972.6。


1. 广东省药理学会科技成果奖二等奖(第四完成人,2020年)

2. 暨南大学青年教师支持计划(第一层次,2020年)

3. 广东省百名博士博士后创新人物(2019年)

4. 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院“优秀员工”(2018年)

5. 研究生国家奖学金(2013年&2015年)

6. 广东省生物医学工程学会重症医学工程分会青年委员会副主任委员

7. 广东省中药协会中药饮片专业委员会委员

8. Frontiers in Pharmacology、Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology和Pharmaceutical Biology等14本专业期刊审稿人

